The World Of Khoras - Fauna and Flora - Fauna - Aquatic


Other Names None
Climate/Terrain Temperate to tropical shallow bays
Frequency Common
Organization Group
Activity Cycle


Diet Omnivore (bottom feeder)

Physical Description

Dredge beetles appear as enormous one ton sand colored beetles with hard chitinous shell plating. They have a 16 pair of small legs with slowly scuttle them through the mud and sand of the ocean bottom. They also have a pair of large appendages at the rear with large paddle like structures which are usually tucked and hidden, but deployed when the creature wants to swim. The complex mouth consists of hundreds of tiny tendrils.


Dredge beetles are harmless bottom feeders, but can be dangerous if provoked. They are capable swimmers and can charge over short distances. Typically, they will avoid ships, but if provoked, they can crush a swimmer against rocks or the sandy bottom. If threatened, the dredge beetle can spew out a greenish, foul-smelling inky mucus which clouds the water and allows the animal to escape a predator. This mucus will cling to swimmers, clothing, etc and is impossible to wash out. Any garments contaminated will carry the stench for months and must be destroyed.

Geographic Distribution and Habitat

These massive creatures are slow-moving, harmless bottom feeders. They feed on microscopic organisms, algae and such found in the mud and silt at the bottom of shallow inlets and bays. Dredge beetles can be found throughout the world in temperate to tropical waters.


Dredge beetles come onto shore to mate and lay eggs. During that part of their adult lives, dredge beetles actually grow lungs so that they can survive on land for the week that they spend on land! Otherwise, they live their lives out in the shallow water near coast, typically in bays and inlets. They can be found in city ports, though they rarely seen. The mermen use the shells of the dredge beetle for armor. The flesh of the dredge beetle is edible, though foul-smelling. It is sometimes eaten by orcs and other seafaring humanoid races.


This website was last updated February 29, 2024. Copyright 1990-2024 David M. Roomes.

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