The World Of Khoras - Civilization - Languages


The region now known as the Border Clans was once the home of an ancient, powerful and magical race called the Kithdari. Their civilization predates the Thullian and Kytohan empires by several centuries. The Kithdari civilization was an advanced empire with powerful magic and a subjegated slave race that served them. After a thousand years, this civilization suddenly fell and all the Kithdari vanished. This occurred long before the rise of the Thullian Empire, almost 4000 years ago. In the aftermath of this societal collapse, the slave race fled into the Tanlur Mountains and the wildlands of Qeshir.

Although the Kithdari are no more, they left behind a grand legacy. The Kithdari hills are scattered with tremendous ruins, celestial tombs and ancient magic. The slave race eventually evolved into the mandalar. Their language has evolved too, but is a direct descendant of the language spoken by the Kithdari. Mandalarian is the only language which is a direct descendent of Kithdari and it is likely the closest language to Kithdari.



There is only one mandalarian language and it is spoken only in the Border Clans region.


Modern day mandalarian bears some vague similarity to Quaryn, but the mandalar's speak it in harsh, short syllables. It has many long vowel sounds and hard consonants. This, combined with the deep animal-like voices of the mandalar and their aggressive speech and mannerisms makes it a harsh "warrior" language.


The mandalar do not practice reading or writing. However, the ruins of the kithdari are decorated with many glyphs and sigils. Some of these ancient symbols have names and sounds associated with them, according to mandalar mythology.


This website was last updated February 29, 2024. Copyright 1990-2024 David M. Roomes.

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